Staff Software Engineer

Residency Update

Welcome to my fifth update as Ruby Central’s security engineer in residence, sponsored by AWS.

My goal is to write a short update every week, chronicling what I’ve been working on, and reminding myself that I was, in fact, productive.

The past two weeks I have been heads-down on a pure-ruby Sigstore implementation, which has a lot of moving parts. I hope to outline some of the interesting challenges I’ve encountered along the way, either in this update or in another venue.

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Residency Update

Welcome to my fourth update as Ruby Central’s security engineer in residence, sponsored by AWS.

My goal is to write a short update every week, chronicling what I’ve been working on, and reminding myself that I was, in fact, productive. Sorry for the lack of updates last week, I was overwhelmed with non-engineering stuff and took Friday/the weekend to do other things (like trying to set up a gaming PC).

This week, I wrapped up the event logging feature, and got the gem research tool to a point where it’s useful for me. The past two weeks I shipped the gem research tool to production, and have been working on a pure Ruby implementation of sigstore verification.

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Residency Update

Welcome to my second (very late to be published) update as Ruby Central’s security engineer in residence, sponsored by AWS.

My goal is to write a short update every week, chronicling what I’ve been working on, and reminding myself that I was, in fact, productive.

This week, I focused on addressing some inbound security reports, wrapped up feature work on event logging, and started building a new tool to assist me in researching the gems that are a part of our ecosystem.

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