Staff Software Engineer

Residency Update

Welcome to my eleventh update as Ruby Central’s security engineer in residence, sponsored by AWS.

My goal is to write a short update every week, chronicling what I’ve been working on, and reminding myself that I was, in fact, productive.

This week I attending the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit North America 2024, and spent a whole bunch of time talking to my peers about packaging ecosystem security.

Trusted publisher APIs

prep work: store api key scopes in jsonb column (to make it easier to add new ones going forward)

Preventing yanking of gems that are either too old or have too many downloads

Landed disabling loading YAML aliases in

Landed user avatar proxying

Sigstore Plan

  • Be able to verify a signature given a sigstore bundle
  • Be able to securely update the sigstore trust root (i.e. a working TUF client)
  • Use github actions to create a sigstore bundle for a built gem
  • Create a new gem push endpoint that takes both a gem and a sigstore bundle
    • Only usable from trusted publishing
    • will verify the signature before accepting the gem
    • Only bundles signed by the trusted publisher will be accepted
  • Upload sigstore bundles to a new directory on S3
  • Add a piece of metadata on the /info endpoint that declares that the gem has an associated sigstore bundle
  • Bundler downloads the sigstore bundle and verifies the signature before installing the gem
  • RubyGems downloads the sigstore bundle and verifies the signature before installing the gem
  • exposes trusted publishers configured for a gem via API

Future work:

  • Allow users to configure their own trust policies
  • Allow users to configure their own trust roots
  • TOFU for known claims